Thursday, November 15, 2007

People and Places

So apparently people in Boston don't really like their picture being taken by a stranger. I realized just how awkward it is to snap a photo while I was sitting on the T- everything from the click noise of the camera to the fact that I was staring at someone I didn't know through a big black lens made me feel probably more uncomfortable than the poor kid I took a picture of. Worst of all, I didn't realize it, but the flash had come on so I lit up the whole car up. Awkward. On the plus side, I think I shot some good pictures. I've only gotten to see the little negatives so far, but they feel natural since I didn't have any say in the way someone was posed or the expression on their face. I like them a lot better than the posed ones I took which all kind of came out boring and unoriginal.
For my self portrait I knew I wanted to take a picture of my tattoo. It's tiny and really unsuspecting but I designed it myself so I feel more like its a part of me than just on me. Because it's on my ankle I got to incorporate my feet into the photo. In my opinion, feet are pretty weird looking so I had some fun putting them at odd angles and directions so they ended up a little weirder.
I also really liked looking over other peoples photos because you make up little stories and assumptions in your head. I always wonder about who they are, what they were thinking at the time, what was going on in their life. I think the next critique will be pretty interesting.

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